Establishing A Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in Malaysia

Kongsi - Kampung House

Interest in others is the foundation of social life. – Gary Lamb

It is the intention of Kongsi Co-op to work with growers and producers of organic and biodynamic products to develop more associative practices including Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).

CSA farming model is built on fairness and transparency; based on mutually agreed upon commitments between farmers and the local community. CSA arises out of the community’s desire to keep the farmers as a part of our heritage, both now and in the future, for our children and grandchildren. The farmers provide a weekly basket of fresh, high-quality vegetables in season while the community commits to their financial and volunteer support.

With CSA, farmers receive a more stable and secure income and closer connection with their community. Consumers benefit by eating fresh, healthy local food, feeling more connected to the land where their food is grown, and often also learning new skills. Planet too benefits from some of the shortest supply chains possible.

The community provides economic support for the farm through thick and thin, thus creating a co-operative economic system embodying ecological and social purposes that can reach beyond bottom line economics.

Together, farmers and communities shall actively shape the future.

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Kongsi Co-op

Kongsi Co-op is a consumer cooperative in Malaysia that focuses on connecting people, soil, and nature. We aspire to co-create a community that is both human and environmental-centric through revitalizing the spirit and culture of community and sustainable living.