Our People

In a community of human beings working together,
the well-being of the community will be greater,
the less the individual claims for himself the proceeds of his work;
i.e., the more of these proceeds he makes over to his fellow workers,
the more his own needs are satisfied,
not out of his own work,
but out of work done by others.

Rudolf Steiner

Kongsi people endeavors to be self-directed human beings whose individuality extends beyond personal ambition to work out of care and concern for others in social life, including the economy and respect for nature. They have a sense of responsibility, a love of work, and a feeling that one is contributing to the betterment of the world.

The Kongsi working team training and development programs aim to foster the full development of each human being, from practical skills to the highest moral and social virtues.


Core Working Team

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Chong Siu Hou

Co-op Development & Operations

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Samantha Sam

Principal, Academy

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Hii Ning


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Teh Chia Yee

Community Development

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Teh Chen Yee


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Lau Jia Hao

Product Development & Distribution

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Leng Chiou Woan

Finance, Administration, & Personnel

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Veeny Ng

Administration, Academy